It’s that time of year when the obligatory first-day-back-to-school photo appears all over social media. Generally outside the front door with our little darlings looking fresh as a daisy with a new hair cut, new shoes, matching book bag to lunch box and clothes three sizes too big to last them the first term!
It might be their first day at primary school, first day in secondary school or first day in a new year, but the one thing in common is all of the photos are of beaming children excited for their next new chapter.
But what is so fabulous to see is their changes over time. Change of hairstyle, height or facial features, the progression is so lovely to look back on and you need to make sure they can be seen in chronological order. The best way to do this is to put them all into one of our lovely albums!
A special dedicated place for all those beautiful memories. Either our Family Photo Album or even our Little Leather Boasting Album would be absolutely ideal.