News — guest book

Do we need a wedding guest book?

Do we need a wedding guest book?

'Do we need a wedding guest book?' Well, here's the thing, it sort of is essential. It is a crucial tool when it comes to prolonging the day. All the other items you choose to buy will be gone, or at best put away to maybe look at again 10 years down the line.

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How Important is the Type Face on your Wedding Stationery?

Being in the printing business we have become more and more obsessed with different type fonts! Sad, I know. However, in our defence, the whole area of fonts and type faces is strangely addictive. My individual nerdy obsession took an added turn when I was bought the book Just My Type by Simon Garfield for Christmas. Oh my life, as Simon explains, just a small tweak to the type on a logo and the whole thing changes disproportionately. Love it. It is actually amazing ( no irony here) how you can change the look and feel of a product just...

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