Go old school and put your holiday photos into a photo album!
When you go on holiday how many photos do you take? Why not go old school and make a photo album up! Get those photos off your phone and put them into a luxuriously handbound photo album.
Which colour foil do I use for the words printed on my photo album or guest book??
This question 'which colour foil should I use for the personalisation on my guest book?' is a really common one, and it's actually quite tricky to answer as it's so subjective. When we started the business 15 years ago we were champions of gold ( hence the name BeGolden ) as it was the heyday of all things white, grey and silver and we wanted to be different. The White Company was massive, piles of silver bangles a must, grey interiors the only way and everyone wanted silver embossing. Out of 20 printed orders only one would be gold and...
What are Glassine pages and do I need them?
Glassine pages are the smooth, translucent, tactile, delicate pages that interleave every page of all our albums. Flipping them over is one of my very favourite ASMR moments as it makes the best ever, soft yet crisp sound. The fundamental strengths of glassine paper is that it is air, water and grease resistant so excellent at protecting the photos from the elements and also your cup of tea and your sticky fingers. The paper sheets also protect the photos from each other - so when you close the album you don't have one photo ( with all its inky chemicals...
The art of Bookbinding and the role of the Endband
I am relatively new to the world of bookbinding but over the last fifteen years I've picked up all sorts of knowledge from Mark and Ryan who run the bookbindery. Between them they have been making books for over 70 years and have a wealth of knowledge and a vernacular that is other worldly. Take for example the endband. This modest yet beautiful piece of small cord or strip of material is now mainly decorative, but once had a crucial role in the binding of books. The endband band placed at the top of the book is called the headband...